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If you're the type of person that feels a little uncomfortable at parties, whether due to introversion or just being an awkward human being, you might find yourself not knowing how to start a conversation with other people. Luckily for you, we have the perfect solution: the 150 ways to start a conversation pdf download! Use these helpful and witty conversation starters and never be stuck in silence ever again. These come in list form and will make your conversations flow like water — it's easier than you think! 1. What's your favorite movie? 2. What TV show do you watch? 3. Who is your favorite celebrity? 4. What's the weather like today? 5. What is your favorite accent? 6. Do you have any siblings? 7. What was the last book you read? 8. What is your favorite genre of music? 9. Do you have any pets? If so, what kind/species are they?" 10. What is one thing I would never guess about you?" 11. What was the most exciting thing that happened to you in the last year?" 12. What's your favorite food? 13. What is your favorite holiday? 14. What's the best thing about where you live?" 15. What is something you love to do? 16. Do you enjoy watching sports or playing sports? Which ones?" 17. Do you like your job?" If so, why? If not, why not?" 18. If money were no option, what would be the first thing you would do if you won the lottery or received a large inheritance?" 19. How do you like spending your free time?" 20. What was the last big event that happened in your town/city/country?" 21. Give me a memorable/funny story about your hometown. 22. What is the best vacation spot you've been to?" 23. Have you ever been vegan? If so, for how long?" 24. What is the best place you have visited in Europe? 25. Who did you have dinner with last night?" 26. Describe your ideal date" 27. Describe an embarrassing moment of your life." 28. Why did you choose to major in this field of study?" 29. Name a song that reminds you of home." 30. Name a book that changed your life." 31. Name a movie that changed your life." 32. Name a book that made you cry." 33. Name one artist or band that you would like playing at your own wedding. 34. How many siblings do you have?" 35. Describe something about yourself everyone doesn't know." 36. What would be your perfect first date with someone?" 37. cfa1e77820